Monday, February 27, 2012

The Delay...

Well as much as we don't like it, Joe and I have decided to delay our trip for at least another week.  We have some time on the tail end of our adventure to stretch it out if we want to.  The decision to delay a week is mostly fueled by the need to rent the house before we go.  We had a couple of interested parties, but they didn't pan out.  So we have been doing some work in the yard, mulching, fence painting, and packing up the house as much as possible and just hope to get a short-term renter soon!  Once we made this decision though, we feel good about it!  I mean, we still don't even have our hiking shoes (Going to REI tonight for those.)!  This also gives us more time to reupholster all the cushions in the RV, install mods, hang curtains, pack, etc.  I also have a few real estate deals that still need to be closed and I would prefer to be here for those.  I have some friends coming over tonight to give me some interior decorating/space saving advice in the RV.  Yay!  So our new departure date is  March 10th-ish! 
Putting Dad to work painting the fence!

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